What's New with Thunkable? July 2023 Product Updates

We're back with another round of product updates to keep no code app creators coming back for more. This is what's new with Thunkable in July 2023.
Written by
Ariel Gonzalez
Published on
July 26, 2023

We have another month of exciting updates and announcements just for you! Join us in exploring all our latest releases to make Thunkable the best tool in your mobile app-building arsenal. 

Let’s begin!


Toggle Between Your Frequently Used Screens

We understand there is much to keep track of when building a mobile app. So, we’ve made it easier to toggle between the screens you’ll use most to accelerate your app development speed. 

July Product Roundup - Small Feature Images

What Does This Mean for You?

Easy-to-use keyboard shortcuts are now available on the platform to enhance your building experience. See what you can do:

  • Design and Blocks: Easily toggle between your Design and Blocks tab for rapid design and functionality building of your app by hitting the T key.
  • Web Preview and Editing: Use the P key to switch between the designer and preview screen to better understand how your app is rendering on devices as you are building it.
  • Zoom and Pan: Hit the Space key + Mouse drag to pan through your project and F to zoom out.

Who Is This Available To? 

This time-saving game changer is available to all app Creators. Get started building your no code mobile app!

Commenting is Now Available in Thunkable Organizations

Take collaboration to the next level with comment capabilities in Thunkable Organizations.

Commenting - Thunkable Organizations

What Does This Mean for You?

Collaboration efforts got much more manageable! Teams of Creators using Thunkable Organizations can now select a component to leave a comment within the project to communicate with the rest of the team. With this new commenting ability, your team can move faster, address concerns, or make changes immediately — without delays in feedback.

Who Is This Available To? 

Teams can benefit from Thunkable Organizations, as it provides a more flexible and structured workspace for every team member to collaborate while building mobile applications. Are you interested in adding your team to a shared workspace and benefiting from this feature? 

Upgrade your license to Teams or Enterprise to level up your team’s workflow by reaching out to our Sales team or Creator Success team.

Android Software Updates

Android is releasing its latest update, Android 13, which is meant to improve productivity, provide new photo picker features, and deliver a better user experience on tablets and large screens.

Android Updates

What Does This Mean for You?

Starting August 31, 2023, new apps and app updates submitted to the Google Play Store will be required to target Android 13 (API level 33) or higher. With Thunkable’s multiplatform publishing capabilities, we make it easy for you to meet Android’s and Google Play Store’s requirements. When you publish your Android app, simply check the Android 13 box and fill out an Advertising ID declaration. View our docs for more information.

Who Is This Available To? 

The latest Android 13 update is available to everyone with Android devices but will only impact Creators developing apps for Android devices who plan to publish or have previously published an Android app to the Google Play Store. 

Looking to publish your no code mobile app app? Upgrade to the Pro license, and release your app for both Android and iOS devices.

Add Navigators to Your App [Tutorial]

You may be starting your app development journey or looking to make some updates. We have a step-by-step tutorial to walk you through the benefits of using a top or bottom tab navigator and how to implement it.

Are you interested in adding a stack navigator? Check out how to add a stack navigator to your app in under five minutes.

Try These New Features in Your No Code Mobile App

Never allow limitations to stifle your creativity and motivation. Unlock your app-building potential and build custom, native mobile applications for any device with no coding required. 

Interested in a demo? Contact us so we can show you what is possible on the best no code app builder on the market.

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Written by
Ariel Gonzalez

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