Marketing Tips: How To Brand Your No Code Mobile App

You’ve decided a mobile-first experience is needed for your users — and using Thunkable as your platform for no code app creation is the way to go (good choice!). If you’ve read our marketing tips, you’re already headed in the right direction for getting your app out there and in the hands of users.
But, there’s another crucial portion of marketing your app to consider. Branding! Don’t worry, though, we’ll help you master the branding of your no code mobile app so you can really excel in the marketing of your app.
What is Branding?
Well, first, let’s start with what a brand is.
A brand can be defined as components, characteristics, or features that belong to a company. To elaborate further, a brand usually contains the brand name, a logo, colors, specific fonts, and perhaps even a tagline.
Your app can be your brand.
So, then, what is branding?
To put it simply, branding is the identity of your company (or app) or the process of creating the features that are associated with your brand. Branding gives your company a purpose. Branding is something your team and users can be proud of. Branding will help app users decide whether your app is one they’d like to invest their time, energy, and perhaps even money in. Think of your favorite brands, such as Nike or Apple. Their branding is easily recognizable. You can (and should!) create this same experience of recognition for your app.
Remember: branding leads to the outcome of your brand, which is then used in your marketing.
If this concept of brand vs branding isn’t super clear just yet, the steps involved in branding might make things clearer for you.
How Do You Build a Brand?
There are some key things to keep in mind as you build your brand and work on your branding, and you may be doing these things without even realizing it!
First, ask yourself, “Who will use my app?” This is defining your audience, which is step one!
Next, you’ll want to determine what makes your brand different from competitors. (We won’t go in depth on this point, as we wrote a whole blog about it! Be sure to check that one out by heading here.)
Then, determine what you want your brand to look and feel like. What colors will you use? What will your logo look like? Is there a font you want to use as your primary font? Determining these factors will help you build a repository of brand assets. They’re also necessary for building a clearly branded, well thought out, beautiful mobile app!
Finally, establish your brand voice. You’ll want to refer to your audience you previously defined to do this. In that step, you determined who you imagine your app users to be. In this step, you’ll determine how to talk to them! For example, if you’re creating an educational app for children, you’ll want to make sure the marketing appeals to schools or parents (as they will likely be the ones finding the app for the kids to use, not the kids themselves!). If you’re marketing to sports fanatics, you’ll want to use the correct lingo and offer a more casual tone to draw them in (because, remember, if sports are fun, your app branding should be too!). If you’re creating a testing or compliance app for your business, you’ll want a very buttoned-up, professional tone.
How to Create Brand Awareness
We’ve mentioned it a few times already, so it should come as no surprise that the next step to getting your brand out there and establishing fans and users of your app is *drum roll!* — marketing!
A Refresher on Existing Marketing Tips from Thunkable
We’ll let you choose your own adventure, assuming you just need a refresher on our marketing best practices blogs.
If you want to better understand marketing channels on a high level (aka, start from the beginning), start here.
Perhaps social media isn’t your forte just yet, and you want a quick run through of how to use different social networks for marketing. Head here.
Want to learn how to get your app found on Google? Our blog on search engine optimization (SEO) will be helpful.
Interested in advertising your app? Remember: advertising costs money whereas marketing can be done largely for free. To learn more before getting started, read this blog.
Other Marketing Methods for Amplifying Your Brand
The aforementioned marketing methods aren’t the only ways to get your brand out there to build awareness and user base for your business no code mobile app. In fact, there are two other marketing tactics we want to bring attention to.
- Email Marketing: Email marketing, like social media marketing, should be done with a bit of consistency. You’ll want to regularly land in your users’ inboxes to announce new features, new deals, or to share tips and tricks, depending on what your app might be. To be successful with email marketing, you need to have clear branding so you’re speaking the right lingo and sharing correctly branded images and assets with your users. You’ll also need a database to properly store the email addresses of users who have opted into receiving your emails. A tool like MailChimp is an easy way to get started with email marketing—for free!
- Traditional Marketing: Traditional marketing is marketing that is done offline. If you’ve ever gotten a free sticker, a poster, a t-shirt, or even a postcard or mailer in the mail, you’ve received traditional marketing. This type of marketing is great for having other people become brand advocates for you. When someone wears a t-shirt with your brand’s logo on it, posts a flyer or postcard on a local bulletin board, or places a sticker on a wall or lamp post, they’re helping to market your brand for you! (Check out our blog about StreetTT to learn how they used stickers to get their app found!) If you’re looking for a great resource for producing traditional marketing assets, StickerMule is an awesome resource with great pricing!
Need More Help?
If you need more help making your app (or making it successful!), we have a vast array of resources you can check out! Be sure to check out the Thunkable Academy, our Community, our Docs, or any of our other marketing Resources.
Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from getting started.
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What Will You Create?
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