5 Challenges To Get Your Students Involved And Show Off Their App Projects

Are you and your students excited for this school year?
As you prepare your curriculum, don’t forget to factor in ways to display your students’ work and get them the recognition they deserve for their app development efforts.
Innovation isn’t created in isolation nor gets recognized without entering the world. Help your students enter their app projects into mobile app challenges and competitions.
Here are the top five challenges and competitions your students can participate in this year.
1. Technovation
Empower the young women scholars in your class by participating in this Technovation competition.
What It Is
Technovation encourages young women to improve their communities and change the world with technology. Every year, girls around the globe enter the Technovation competition and learn how to build a mobile app with drag and drop app builder or create AI projects, then submit their project to a panel of judges.
More than 39,000 girls from more than 100 countries have created apps to solve problems since its inception in 2010. Some Technovation alumni have pursued Computer Science degrees, started businesses, and so much more.
View their 12-week curriculum to better understand how a network of mentors, ambassadors, and volunteers helps prepare girls to change the world.
Girls between the ages of eight and 18 can participate in the Technovation competition.
Submission Timeline
Registration for next season, 2023 - 2024, will open in October, and submissions close in April.
2. Congressional App Challenge
The mission of the Congressional App Challenge (CAC) is to inspire and innovate efforts around the benefits of STEM education, coding for kids, and computer science education for young students. Their prize at the end of the challenge is the most prestigious in student computer science.
What It Is
Over the last seven years, the Congressional App Challenge has inspired more than 40,000 students across all 50 states to code for Congress. Students create and submit their original apps for a chance to be publicly recognized and win the challenge. The winning team and mobile app are displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building for one year.
According to CAC guidelines, students must be enrolled in middle or high school at the time of the submission and can register as individuals or in teams of up to four. To build their app, students can use any programming language, such as javascript or “block code,” and use any platform. There are no limits on the application theme or topic.
Submission Timeline
CAC runs from April to October, so whether your students can participate this year or next, this will be an excellent opportunity for them. Additionally, students who participated in Technovation can submit their app project for CAC to get more recognition and judge feedback.
3. Swift Student Challenge
Sponsored by Apple, the Swift Student Challenge allows young app creators to embrace their creativity and passion for coding.
What It Is
Apple embraces young coders and invites them to unleash their creativity in the Swift Playground. The Swift Student Challenge is designed for student developers who are cultivating their software development skills and are enrolled in an Apple Developer Academy.
The winner receives one year of membership to the Apple Developer Program, Apple swag, and a chance to attend a special event at Apple Park.
To qualify for the Swift Student Challenge, students must be 13 years or older and registered (for free) with Apple as an Apple developer or be a member of the Apple Developer Program. The submission must be created in app playground (.swiftpm) in a ZIP file and should show an interactive scene that can be experienced in under three minutes.
Submission Timeline
The submission deadline just passed for 2023 but keep a look out for next year’s registration opening in the spring.
4. Thunkable Awards
We love to celebrate our Thunkable Creators!
What It Is
The Thunkable Awards highlight all the fantastic apps our Creators have built on our no code native app builder. Take a look at our 2021 and 2022 winners.
In the fall, we open applications for anyone who has built a no code mobile app on Thunkable to submit their published app or project for consideration in several categories. We’ve had winners of all ages recognized for their award-worthy apps.
Submission Timeline
Thunkable opens applications between November and December, so if you have any students who would like to submit their app for consideration, let us know!
5. App of the Season
Your students can participate in Regional Appathons, AI Hackathons, or the App of the Season.
What It Is
A virtual appathon hosted by the App Inventor Foundation, App of the Season brings together young individuals around the world to build mobile apps for a cause.
This event is available to all ages, and an app must be built to help someone in need or make a difference in the community.
Submission Timeline
Registration for this summer’s Appathon has closed, but you can look here to see all that goes into this event.
Let Your Students Shine!
Providing your students with the tools to succeed is every teacher's job. But giving your students the feeling that they can take on the world is the gift of a mentor!
Get your students involved in app challenges so they can not only find a community of like-minded peers but also feel motivated to continue using Computer Science in their lives. We love helping educators bring no code mobile app development to their students, so ask us about our education discount to bring Thunkable to your classroom.
Interested in incorporating a no code education into your curriculum? Get our Ultimate Guide on Inspiring Students with No Code Tools.
Related Resources
What Will You Create?
Ready to take your first steps towards developing that amazing idea? Get started on your app for free.